The services that we offer are all mobile where we come to you and do our services at your location, this is usually your home address and on the odd occasion we can do it at your place of work if it is on private land and you have permission.
Mobile DPF Cleaning is the main service that we carry out, this is where we inject a professional tuv aproved chemical directly in to the dpf that desolves the blockage in the dpf, this is all done while the dpf is still fitted to the vehicle.
Engine Carbon Cleaning is the secondary service that we specialize in, we use a Sykes Pickavant machine that is EU aproved and is RoHS compliant and is not a cheap chinese import. These machines cost over £5000 for a reason, because they work
When a DPF gets blocked up with particulate matter only a percentage of the exhaust smoke can escape out of the tail pipe the rest gets forced back in to the combustion chamber due to back pressure, this exhaust smoke starts to creat a sticky goo that turns in to a marmite type build up, this then starts to contaminate connecting parts that leads to the whole system to start to choke up and creating even more back pressure problems, the engine carbon cleaning machine is designed to vaporise most of this carbon build up which will allow the system to breath again and restore the delicate balance again once its been removed.
We do a special deal at the moment, if you get a engine carbon clean at the same time as a dpf clean we do th engine carbon clean for £40 all in ( usually £85 on its own ) dpf cleaning on its own starts at £190 all in.